Monday, December 6, 2010

Bow Chicka-Wow-WOW!! CALVES

I looooooove to wear heels!! You??
So, here is my favorite exercise to tone and define the calf muscles.
All you need is a step. Inside..outside..anywhere!!

Step 1: Find a STEP

Step 2: Lightly touch a rail/wall for balance.

Place ball of the foot on the step and allow the heels to hang off the step.

Next: RAISED HEEL: Lift heels up, feel the calf muscle (back of the shin) tighten.

View from behind....Heels are raised above the step, calf muscles are contracted.

(These are my adorable hubby's legs! I affectionately call them "Popeye calves")

Last, drop heels BELOW the stair.
Then, slowly squeeze ALL THE WAY back to a RAISED HEEL!
Beginner: 1 set of 15
Intermediate: 3 sets of 10
Advanced: 3 sets of 15
If you feel a cramp starting, stop and stretch. Then, continue.
Let me know any feedback or questions you have.
Now is THE perfect time to start Fab-bing up the flab!!
Keep up the hard work, Lacee!!


  1. Nice legs Bones. ;) Thanks for all that you girls post. I really, really LOVE everything- recipes, exercises, nutrition-that you've posted.

    I need help with an exercise routine. My goal is healthy weight loss. So here are my thoughts: I zumba 2x/week. I'd like to incorporate running and weightlifting/strength training into my routine. So how often should I run? When I run, should I focus on distance, speed, or running slow for endurance? How long should I run? (I can run just over 3 miles - very slow though). Also, should I do the strength training 2x's a week or incorporate a little each day? Which exercises?What would you ladies recommend?

  2. Erin!! So, the reccommendations for weightloss are cardio 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Stength training 2x week(upper body one day, lower body the next) Zumba will count as 2 days, Ya know how they "rest" between songs? Not you! Walk around, march in place, keep moving to keep your heart rate UP. You could run for 3 days. Muscles have memory, so you want to switch it up often. One day jog, walk, sprint to power lines or different markers. Another day you could slow jog for the entire 30 minutes. The last day, find a new route with extra hills and push yourself to stride out with your legs, walk if you need to. Use this blog for toning ideas. Don't burn yourself out. Think of how amaZING you feel after you run to keep up the motivation!! Let me know if this helps!! Good Luck!!

  3. I so want my calves toned up. Thanks for the great exercise!

  4. This totally reminds me of that 'jump' program for volleyball. :) Good times.

  5. Thanks Lacee! That is so helpful! I'll let you know how it goes.
