Go against everything you've ever learned about dieting and discard it. Get rid of the diet books and magazine articles that offer the promise of quick, easy and permanent weight loss through dieting.
Tips for ditching the diet:
1. Commit yourself to a new way of thinking and rediscover your
inner intuitive eater. It's in there you just need to find it. Take
the example of a toddler, they are the perfect intuitive eater.
2. Throw out all the diet books, articles, videos, etc that promote the ideas of dieting
3. When people talk about the newest fad diet, avoid getting drawn in. Reaffirm your commitment to ditching the dieting
4. Protect your food boundaries by refusing to allow others to tell you what to eat, when to eat, or how much to eat. Don't allow comments about your weight or body derail you.
5. If you start to notice your are feeling rebellious or beginning to eat unconciously, check in with yourself to see if you're still holding on to diet thinking and rules.
Principles and Tips from Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works
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