Thursday, August 12, 2010

For Mindee!

Hey everyone! This is Lacee, a 20-something kickbox, spinning, and yoga instructor, wife, momma of 2 energizer bunny-like kiddos, and lover of ALL things exercise!!

I get asked exercise questions a LOT, and I L-O-V-E it!! My friend, Mindee is going to Hawaii in December and wanted a few tips and tricks to FAB up....So, here we are!

I'll post exercise, toning, nutrition, etc. tips and YOU (lucky dogs!) can follow along and FAB up your FLAB!!

Pa-lease leave comments, ask questions, or whatever you'd like (don't make me edit you :)) and we can all become less FLAB-ulous and more FAB-ulous together!!

Loves to all, Lacee


  1. Ok, Lacee you are awesome!!!! I am so excited and motivated! I love "Fab up the flab" so cute!
    I did find a swimsuit yesterday and am so glad you called me!

    Thanks again and keep up the good tips!

  2. Hi, I Mindee's sister Sundee. I think this blog is a great idea! I would be interested to know what you eat. Mabe post a few examples of what you eat in a day? Thanks

  3. You are wonderful! Can't wait to give this a go and try to tone up a few (or a lot) of areas!

  4. Hi, I am Mindee's sister Cindee. I just had twin boys over 2 months ago and am excited and motivated to get healty and lose some extra pounds! I am excited to follow your blog and get some good tips. What are some of your favorite healty snacks? What is the best way to tone thighs, buns and stomach?
