Monday, October 25, 2010

Tricep and Core: Plank into modified cobra

One of my Faaaaa.....vorite tricep (aka: Wings) moves.

Start: On toes and palms, align shoulders and wrists. Squeeze your elbows to your ribs the ENTIRE time! That's the target!!

*Your body is flat like a board from your head to your heels**

Then, bending your elbows (elbows squeezing the ribs) lower the entire body closer to the floor.

...Closer...Elbows touching the ribs

...closer.....(Modify by touching both bent knees to the ground)...ABS IN!!

You made it! body on the floor, elbows STILL squeezing the ribs. Hands should be placed directly below the shoulders.
Pelvis tucked under to protect lower back, then lift (chest only) slowly off the floor to stretch the lower back.

FOCUS: Elbows point back towards your feet, not out to the side like regular push up

Front view: elbows in line with shoulders

Slowly lower the body, look down.

Almost there! (Modify be placing both bent knees on the ground)

Body on the ground, pelvis tucked under to protect lower back, then lift (chest only) slowly off the floor to stretch the lower back. (Yikes! I promise I don't look like this ALL the time!)

Repeat! Do 5-7 of these, 3-5 times a week
FOCUS: SLOW and controlled movement!
Bellybutton pulled in towards the spine, then up towards the heart.
Elbows pointed back, and squeezing the ribs cage.
Comment about any questions or concerns you have!!


  1. Wow! That was tough, but felt great! I love these exercises!

  2. So I just finished doing this exercise for the first time. Afterwards, I felt it most in my biceps and chest. Maybe I'll feel that "burn" in my triceps tomorrow? Or maybe my technique was wrong. Suggestions?

  3. I have a question... I read some older posts about Intuitive Eating, and then another post that talked about "calorie in, calorie burned". If you do intuitive eating, are you also still counting calories? Will you write a post about how this works?

  4. Erin: Make sure your elbows are "stuck" next to your ribs. Most often biceps are doing the work because arms are not close to the body.

    Tracie: YES!! I will have Jalaine address your quesion THIS Wednesay!!

    Thanks for your comments~
